If you are having issues logging in or creating an account, please follow the steps below. If you followed the steps below and are still having issues, contact technical support. Allow 1-3 business days for a response.
Always follow the on-screen instructions. They will tell you what to do and let you know of any issues that may arise.
The most common issue is people not checking their email for the Set Your Password Email. Remember to check your SPAM folder.
Too many login or password reset attempts will result in a temporary block. Please try again later, following the instructions below.
If you get a notice that the link appears to be invalid, copy & paste the link you received into your browser (instead of clicking the link).
The issue is with your email provider and/or browser privacy settings. When you click on the link, your browser is removing the hash that identifies your account. Copying & pasting the link resolves this. Note: You may need to highlight the entire link select copy
Create your account.
1 Visit the User Registration page or click the Register link on the Login page.
2 Enter a unique Username and Email Address, then click Register.
Please note that usernames cannot be changed and you will need access to your email account to complete the registration process.
3 Check your email account for the Set Your Password Email. Click on the link in that email to set your password and complete registration.
If you get a notice that the link appears to be invalid, copy and paste the link into your browser.
4 Enter a New Password or use the one generated by default, then click on Save Password.
You will use this password to login to the website going forward. If you do not create a strong password, you will need to check the box labeled “Confirm use of weak password.”
5 If successful, you should see the “Your password has been reset” screen. Click on the Log In link or visit the Login page to login using your new password.
Log in to syracuseareamusic.com.
1 Visit the Log In page or click the Login link at the top right of any page on website or at the bottom of the menu on mobile devices.
2 Enter your Username or Email Address, and Password, then click Log In. If successful, you should be taken to the home page.
Reset your password.
2 Check your email account for the Set Your Password Email. Click on the link in that email to set your password and complete registration.
1 Visit the Lost Your Password page or click the Lost your password link on the Login page.
If you receive an error that your Username or Email do not exist, they are either incorrect, or the registration process was not properly completed. See User Registration above.
If you get a notice that the link appears to be invalid, copy and paste the link into your browser.
Multiple reset attempts will result in a temporary block.
3 Enter a New Password or use the one generated by default, then click on Save Password.
You will use this password to login to the website going forward. If you do not create a strong password, you will need to check the box labeled “Confirm use of weak password.”
4 If successful, you should see the “Your password has been reset” screen. Click on the Log In link or visit the Login page to login using your new password.